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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Linkages between Pro-Poor Growth, Social Programmes and Labour Market: The Recent Brazilian ExperienceKakwani, Nanak; Neri, Marcelo; Son, Hyun H.
2007Growth, Poverty and Inequality in MozambiqueVirtanen, Pekka; Ehrenpreis, Dag
2009Growth, Inequality, Cash Transfers and Poverty in UgandaSsewanyana, Sara N.
2009The Role of Gender Inequalities in Explaining Income Growth, Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from Latin American CountriesCosta, Joana; Silva, Elydia; Vaz, Fábio
2007Expanding the Social Security Net in South Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and ConstraintsPauw, Kalie; Mncube, Liberty
2004Inequality in Latin America and the CaribbeanGrinspun, Alejandro
2021Reformulation of income transfers in Brazil: simulations and challengesPaiva, Luís Henrique; Bartholo, Leticia; Souza, Pedro H. G. Ferreira de; Orair, Rodrigo Octávio
2012Poverty, Inequality and Social Policies in Brazil, 1995-2009Souza, Pedro H. G. Ferreira de
2006How costly is it to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty between 1990 and 2015?Kakwani, Nanak; Son, Hyun H.
2021Reformulation of income transfers in Brazil: simulations and challengesPaiva, Luís Henrique; Bartholo, Leticia; Souza, Pedro H. G. Ferreira de; Orair, Rodrigo Octávio