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Results 1-10 of 19 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Linkages between Pro-Poor Growth, Social Programmes and Labour Market: The Recent Brazilian ExperienceKakwani, Nanak; Neri, Marcelo; Son, Hyun H.
2006Measuring the Impact of Price Changes on PovertySon, Hyun H.; Kakwani, Nanak
2004Methods in measuring poverty matter: an Indian storyKakwani, Nanak
2006A note on measuring unemploymentKakwani, Nanak; Son, Hyun H.
2005Leaky BucketKakwani, Nanak; Son, Hyun H.
2006The Gender Pay Gap over Women's Working LifetimeSon, Hyun H.; Kakwani, Nanak
2009Women's earning power and wellbeingKakwani, Nanak; Son, Hyun H.
2005Ageing and poverty in Africa and the role of social pensionsKakwani, Nanak; Subbarao, Kalanidhi
2006Global Estimates of Pro-Poor GrowthSon, Hyun H.; Kakwani, Nanak
2006How costly is it to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty between 1990 and 2015?Kakwani, Nanak; Son, Hyun H.