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Results 1-10 of 50 (Search time: 0.03 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Cash Transfers – Lessons from Africa and Latin AmericaHailu, Degol; Soares, Fabio Veras
2008Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – The Policy ChallengeEhrenpreis, Dag
2016A new urban paradigm: pathways to sustainable developmentMacLennan, Michael
2007Does Aid Work?-for the MDGsEhrenpreis, Dag
2005AIDSGrinspun, Alejandro
2021Wealth tax: perspectives in a post-pandemic worldJunior, Pedro Humberto Bruno de Carvalho; Soares, Fábio Veras
2006Social protection - the role of cash transfersEhrenpreis, Dag
2018Social protection: meeting children’s rights and needsMachado, Anna Carolina; Bilo, Charlotte
2005Poverty and the CityGrinspun, Alejandro
2009Equitable Access to Basic Utilities: Public versus Private Provision and BeyondHailu, Degol; Subject:, Raquel Tsukada