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Results 1-10 of 17 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Fiscal Space in the Arab CountriesAbu-Ismail, Khalid; Roy, Rathin; Ramos, Raquel Almeida
2012The IMF on Fiscal Policy: Staying the Course amidst Waves of ChangeRamos, Raquel Almeida; Ranieri, Rafael
2012Financial Flows Can Create Exchange Rate IssuesRamos, Raquel Almeida
2013After All, What is Inclusive Growth?Ranieri, Rafael; Ramos, Raquel Almeida
2013Inclusive Growth: Building up a ConceptRanieri, Rafael; Ramos, Raquel Almeida
2012Rethinking Inflation: IMF Recommendations Fall ShortRamos, Raquel Almeida; Lammes, Jan-Willem
2012Intersections between Exchange Rate and Inflation Policies in IMF RecommendationsRamos, Raquel Almeida
2013The Employment-to-Population Ratio as an Indicator of Participation and InclusivenessRamos, Raquel Almeida; Rühl, Daniela
2013How Inclusive Has Growth Been in the Last Decade?Ramos, Raquel Almeida; Ranieri, Rafael; Lammes, Jan-Willem
2012Financial Flows and Exchange Rates: Challenges Faced by Developing CountriesRamos, Raquel Almeida