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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019The potential of the platform to support policymaking and innovation on social protectionPeres, Aline; Slingsby, Ashleigh; Balboni, Mariana
2021Next Practices—Innovations in the COVID-19 social protection responses and beyondHammad, Maya; Bacil, Fabianna; Soares, Fábio Veras
2022Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North AfricaSato, Lucas; Figueiredo, Nicole; Mohamed, Nourjelha
2018Executive Summary - Overview of Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Through a Child and Equity LensMachado, Anna Carolina; Bilo, Charlotte; Soares, Fábio Veras; Osorio, Rafael Guerreiro
2022The role of social insurance schemes in addressing the risks faced by agricultural workers in the Middle East and North AfricaSato, Lucas; Mohamed, Nourjelha
2022Integrating social protection and child protection services for better outcomes for children in the Middle East and North AfricaPereira, Karen Codazzi; Araújo, Fernando
2022Sumario Ejecutivo—Las transferencias en efectivo con enfoque universal en América Latina y el CaribeBacil, Fabianna; Burattini, Beatriz; Lang, João Pedro; Rolon, Camila; Loessl, Merindah
2010Assessing Administrative Capacity and Costs of Cash Transfer Schemes in Zambia – Implications for RolloutChiwele, Dennis Kaputo
2006Does Debt Relief Increase Fiscal Space in Zambia? The MDG ImplicationsWeeks, John; McKinley, Terry
2022COVID-19 and social protection in the Gulf Region: Analysis and lessons learned on shock-responsive and child-sensitive systemsHammad, Maya