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dc.contributor.authorAndrade, Israel de Oliveira-
dc.contributor.authorHamann, Eduarda Passarelli-
dc.contributor.authorSoares, Matheus Augusto-
dc.description.abstractBased on a state policy perspective, this paper seeks to present the path of Brazil’s participation in United Nations (UN) peace operations, from its genesis in 1947 to the present day, with the intent to comprehend whether there is a progressive and evolutionary pattern in these engagement efforts, and which would be the main challenges, contributions and future orientations to the country in this matter. To this end, in a first moment, the text will bring a conceptual discussion regarding the different definitions and understandings on peace operations. Subsequently, we will analyze the evolution of UN peace operations throughout its 70 years and the Brazilian positions during this period. In a third moment, we will present final considerations, identifying the upcoming challenges and the main possible perspectives for Brazil to engage in future peace operations. The intention, therefore, is to ascertain whether peacekeeping operations, as an instrument of international politics aligned to the guidelines of Brazilian defense and foreign policies, should continue to be supported by Brazil or if new reorientations are necessary as a national strategy.pt_BR
dc.publisherInstituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea)pt_BR
dc.titleBrazil’s participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations : evolution, challenges, and opportunitiespt_BR
dc.title.alternativeDiscussion Paper 254 : Brazil’s participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations : evolution, challenges, and opportunitiespt_BR
dc.title.alternativeParticipação do Brasil em operações de manutenção da paz das Nações Unidas : evolução, desafios e oportunidadespt_BR
dc.typeDiscussion Paperpt_BR
dc.rights.holderInstituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea)pt_BR
dc.description.physical40 p. : ilpt_BR
dc.subject.vcipeaIPEA::Cooperação Internacional. Relações Internacionais::Relações Internacionais::Guerra e Paz::Manutenção da Pazpt_BR
dc.rights.licenseReproduction of this text and the data it contains is allowed as long as the source is cited. Reproductions for commercial purposes are prohibited.pt_BR
dc.subject.keywordOperações de pazpt_BR
dc.subject.keywordNações Unidaspt_BR
dc.subject.keywordMINUSTAH - United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haitipt_BR
dc.subject.keywordUnited Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)pt_BR
dc.subject.keywordManutenção da pazpt_BR
ipea.description.additionalinformationSérie monográfica : Discussion Paper ; 254pt_BR
ipea.description.additionalinformationPossui referência bibliográfica;pt_BR
ipea.access.typeAcesso Abertopt_BR
ipea.rights.typeLicença Comumpt_BR
ipea.classificationRelações Internacionaispt_BR
Appears in Collections:Cooperação Internacional. Relações Internacionais: Livros

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