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Title: The Minimum price program
Authors: Smith, Gordon W.
Abstract: This section deals with the minimum price program administered by the Comissão de Financiamento da Produção. Special programs for coffe, sugar and other export crops will not be treated. First, several theoretical approaches to minimum price policy are presented and adapted to the current possibilities in Brazil. Then the past action of the program is described briefly, followed by an analysis of current policy and suggestions for change. We will see that in spite of operational improvement in the system, it is still in critical need of overall policy definition if it is to have more than marginal impact on Brazilian agriculture.
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea)
metadata.dc.rights.license: É permitida a reprodução deste texto e dos dados nele contidos, desde que citada a fonte. Reproduções para fins comerciais são proibidas.
metadata.dc.type: Livros
Appears in Collections:Agricultura, Pecuária e Pesca: Livros
Comércio Internacional: Livros

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