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Showing results 15356 to 15366 of 15366 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000-06Xerox do Brasil : uma empresa sem preconceitosBettencourt, Guilherme; Guimarães, Antonio Carlos
2022-06A XII Conferência Nacional de Assistência Social : método e conteúdo em período de pandemiaAlencar, Joana Luiza Oliveira; Avelino, Daniel Pitangueira de
1983-02Xistos oleígenos : natureza, formas de aproveitamento e principais produtosRamos, Lauro Roberto Albrecht; Barros, Ricardo Paes de
2022-06A XVI Conferência Nacional de Saúde (8a + 8) : contextos e desafiosAvelino, Daniel Pitangueira de; Silva, Lucas Raimundo de Oliveira da
2014Yemen National Social Protection Monitoring Survey (NSPMS): 2012-2013 – Executive SummaryIPC-IG; Yemen, Unicef
2014Yemen National Social Protection Monitoring Survey (NSPMS): 2012-2013 – Final ReportIPC-IG; Yemen, Unicef
2022Yemen: Design, implementation and child-sensitivity of social protection responses to COVID-19Benramdane, Ali; Dytz, João Pedro; Sato, Lucas
2016Youth and adult literacy and education: a good practice analysisMoretti, Gianna Alessandra Sanchez
2014Youth and Employment among the BRICSOsorio, Rafael Guerreiro; Arruda, Pedro Lara de
2022Zakat practices around the worldHammad, Maya
2018Zimbabwe’s social protection system and its harmonized social cash transfer programmeArruda, Pedro