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Title: Green energy development and cooperation among emerging economies : China-Brazil cooperation as an example
Other Titles: 新兴经济体绿色能源发展与合作 - 以中国和巴西合作为例
Authors: Li, Wei
Zhou, Mi
Xu, Man
Tang, Jie
Kou, Chunhe
Baumann, Renato
Fracalossi, Rodrigo
Morais, José Mauro de
Losekann, Luciano
Libanio, Gilberto
Santos, Mário
Rodrigues, Niágara
Oliveira, Rosana
Abstract: China and Brazil have bright prospects for cooperation in the field of renewable energy. Brazil’s rich resource endowment, necessity to expand installed capacity and power grid, and favorable market, legal, and policy conditions, aligned with China’s financial might and technological capabilities, have created an ideal situation for the cooperation between the two countries. Hydropower, nuclear, biomass, solar and hydrogen might be the most promising categories. Through extensive cooperation based on respective comparative advantages, China and Brazil could further improve the power generation capacity of green energy and promote the optimization of energy mix in both countries. Leading-edge technologies, trade and investment related to raw materials and equipment could be the key points. Also, there are opportunities in improving land and sea logistics in order to promote trade and improve the availability of power equipment. This report includes 5 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the background and definition of green energy, as well its goals and policies in both China and Brazil. Chapter 2 highlights the green energy development and achievement in both countries. Chapter 3 discusses the strengths and weakness of green energy development in respective sides. Chapter 4 discusses the potential areas of green energy cooperation between China and Brazil and Chapter 5 provides suggestions for further joint cooperation.
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea)
metadata.dc.rights.license: É permitida a reprodução deste texto e dos dados nele contidos, desde que citada a fonte. Reproduções para fins comerciais são proibidas.
metadata.dc.type: Relatório de Pesquisa
Appears in Collections:Energia: Relatórios de Atividades / Técnicos

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