Publicações do IPC-IG : [1066] Collection home page


Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 841 to 860 of 1066
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Adaptive social protection in Mozambique: Improvements in emergency responseGrowth, International Policy Centre for Inclusive; Mozambique, World Food Programme (WFP)
2011Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: A Measure of ProgressHailu, Degol; Tsukada, Raquel
2016Adapting Fomento to countries in Sub-Saharan AfricaAmbler, Kate; Brauw, Alan de; Godlonton, Susan
2008Achievements and Shortfalls of Conditional Cash Transfers: Impact Evaluation of Paraguay’s Tekoporã ProgrammeSoares, Fabio Veras; Ribas, Rafael Perez; Hirata, Guilherme Issamu
2010Access of the Poor to Water Supply and Sanitation in India: Salient Concepts, Issues and CasesJha, Nitish
2009Access to Water in the Slums of the Developing WorldDagdeviren, Hulya; Robertson, Simon A.
2019A universal child grant in Brazil: what must we do, and what can we expect from it?Soares, Sergei Suarez Dillon; Ansiliero, Graziela; Amaral, Aline Diniz; Souza, Pedro H. G. Ferreira de; Paiva, Luis Henrique
2013A Substitute for Substitution: Bolsa Família’s Effects on the Combination of Work And School for Children and Adolescents Aged 10-18Silveira, Fernando Gaiger; Horn, Ross van; Campolina, Bernardo
2012A Socially Inclusive Pathway to Food Security: The Agroecological AlternativeMcKay, Ben
2013A Re-examination of the Expected Years of Schooling: What Can It Tell US?Rigotti, José Irineu Rangel; Sawyer, Diana Oya; Souza, Laetícia Rodrigues de; Rodrigues, Clarissa Guimarães
2012A Review of Regional Patterns of Multiple Deprivation in NamibiaOdhiambo, Ojijo
2013A Re-examination of the Expected Years of Schooling: What Can It Tell Us?Rigotti, José Irineu Rangel; Sawyer, Diana Oya; Souza, Laetícia Rodrigues de; Rodrigues, Clarissa Guimarães
2019A proposal for the unification of social protection benefits for children, youth and those vulnerable to povertySoares, Sergei; Bartholo, Letícia; Osorio, Rafael Guerreiro
2007A Proposed Strategy for Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction in UzbekistanMcKinley, Terry; Weeks, John
2018A project towards bridging tables between national accounts and emissionsResearch, Institute for Applied Economic
2014A Profile of the Middle Class in Latin American Countries 2001–2011Tornarolli, Leopoldo
2006A note on measuring unemploymentKakwani, Nanak; Son, Hyun H.
2016A new urban paradigm: pathways to sustainable developmentMacLennan, Michael
2012A Methodology for Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation (LEWIE) of Cash TransfersTaylor, J. Edward; Thome, Karen
2012A Methodology for Local Economy-Wide Impact Evaluation (LEWIE) of Cash TransfersTaylor, J. Edward
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 841 to 860 of 1066