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dc.contributor.authorUnit, South-South Learning
dc.description.abstractScarce social security, difficulties in prioritising investments, lack of comprehensive social protection frameworks: this is the scenario in most countries of West Africa. The region in which circumstances are as different as Nigeria and Sierra Leone is most often guided by poverty reduction strategy papers and remains highly dependent on donor resources. Many West African countries seem to lack a clear vision of their development options— it being difficult to plan strategically when a desire for long-term investments competes with the need for immediate alleviation of extreme hunger. There are many different understandings of “social protection”. Social security coverage remains very limited, and ministries of social development and labour are usually more concerned with providing the basic mechanisms for the system to work. Of course, the expansion of social security is also at the heart of the political debate, because most economic activities take place outside the formal sector. But in many countries it is still a challenge to ensure that benefits are delivered to workers who are already covered. The region has only a few cash transfer schemes, such as those in Ghana and Sierra Leone. (...)en
dc.description.abstractSeguridade social limitada, dificuldadespt-br
dc.titleSocial Protection in West Africa: Many Challenges but Great Initiativesen
dc.title.alternativeProteção Social no Oeste da África: Muitos desafios, mas grandes iniciativaspt-br
dc.rights.holderInternational Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
dc.rights.holderUnited Nations Development Programme
dc.description.physical4 p. : il.
dc.rights.typeLicença total exclusiva
dc.rights.licenseO texto e dados desta publicação podem ser reproduzidos desde que as fontes sejam citadas. Reproduções com fins comerciais são proibidas.
dc.subject.keywordSocial Protection
dc.subject.keywordWest Africa
ipea.access.typeAcesso Aberto
ipea.classificationDesenvolvimento Social
Appears in Collections:Publicações do IPC-IG

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